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DANiEL WiLLiS, blog

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10 Questions your Marketing Manager should be able to Answer
Marketing is easy. Answering questions about marketing is not. It's a little like trying to describe what is going on when you are...

Got some irons in the fire? Then it's time to brand your social media properties.
Your new start up has passed the concept and planning stages and you are excited and energized and looking to launch, When is the time to...

3 ways to ensure your website fits into Google's new mobility rules.
Mobile friendly sites get top spots in Google Search Rankings. Now Google includes more mobile friendly sites in the organic search...

How a Search Engine Works
Today, the 8 disciplines of online marketing all intersect at landing pages and optimization practices. Content management, conversion...

Name Your Charity of Choice
There are over 85,000 registered charities in Canada plus at least as many local not for profits that will raise money for important, if...

Bizzline: A sign of the times Part II
By Don Fraser, QMI Agency Sunday, December 28, 2014 Dan Willis has found a way to point his business in the right direction. His odyssey...

Plan for your Website's Success with These 6 Easy Tips
This week I met with a client and we spent about an hour defining and goals for their website. I thought I’d share with you some of the...

Email Marketing. Shotgun or Rifle Approach
Back in 2000 when email marketing was brand new, many took part in a technique known as the "spray and pray". It was kind of like using a...

Does Advertising on Facebook Work? There is Only One Way to Find Out.
Get ready Niagara and Toronto! P U B L I C I T A is about to embark on its grand opening campaign in September. We have been working...

Here'sHow to Save Time Setting up on Google Blogger
A blog is the heartbeat of your website. As you blog you make those changes to your website that creates an up tick in your Google...

7 Easy Steps to Building a Website
When I am introducing myself to clients, I am always asked, "Do you do websites?" The answer is, "Yes, of course," followed by, "Why,...

Can you Define your Online Style and Still have an Authentic Voice?
It is time to figure my style out. I have a parenting style, a personal style, and a sense of style. I also have an online style made up...

I have 2000 "friends" and I only need 30 of them to like me.
Social capital is a key driver for online marketing success. Is what I write interesting enough for readers to "like" and "share"? To...

What Does it Take to Get a Click Around Here?
There is a not-so-new type of journalism that is also great PR going around and it is known by the names of sponsored content, brand...
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