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DANiEL WiLLiS, blog

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How You are Being Judged in Social Media like Twitter and Facebook
There is a couple I know - he is an etymologist and she is and entomologist. She can name all the bugs of the world, their species and...

Got some irons in the fire? Then it's time to brand your social media properties.
Your new start up has passed the concept and planning stages and you are excited and energized and looking to launch, When is the time to...

Why your Blog benefits your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
That you have a cat is one thing. That you have a cat with a deep appreciation for 60's style blaxploitation films is another. The former...

Demystifying the virtual world.
The virtual world is just one big filing cabinet. It has always been thus. Some machines, like your desktop computer are better at making...

BIZZLINE: A sign of the Times Part I
See the News Coverage Here Guest Blog By Citizen Barron For a new business start-up, hanging a sign shows you are open for business. And...

Does Advertising on Facebook Work? There is Only One Way to Find Out.
Get ready Niagara and Toronto! P U B L I C I T A is about to embark on its grand opening campaign in September. We have been working...
Who Are You Calling a Twit?
While it is correct that this post is about Twitter customization and not "twits", aligning my title with the hilarious sketch masters...

I have 2000 "friends" and I only need 30 of them to like me.
Social capital is a key driver for online marketing success. Is what I write interesting enough for readers to "like" and "share"? To...

What Does it Take to Get a Click Around Here?
There is a not-so-new type of journalism that is also great PR going around and it is known by the names of sponsored content, brand...
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