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DANiEL WiLLiS, blog

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How You are Being Judged in Social Media like Twitter and Facebook
There is a couple I know - he is an etymologist and she is and entomologist. She can name all the bugs of the world, their species and...

You should Let your Boss be the Funny One.
There's always one guy at every comedy club that sits there, stone-faced in the third row while everyone else is laughing. It's one thing...

Why your Blog benefits your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
That you have a cat is one thing. That you have a cat with a deep appreciation for 60's style blaxploitation films is another. The former...

Everybody wants to be a "Creative"
Artists make art look easy. That is part of the fascination that holds our gaze and our attention. Through the medium, we are spoken to...

Video is Good for SEO.
Here is a fun way that PUBLICITA added Video to a client's site. It is a very honest attempt to show how easy it is to do business with...

Marketing's Dirty Little Secret - Revealed
This animated Publicita Blog tells about client relationships and that "over contributing" to the creative process in advertising and...

Bizzline: A sign of the times Part II
By Don Fraser, QMI Agency Sunday, December 28, 2014 Dan Willis has found a way to point his business in the right direction. His odyssey...

Why I Gave my House a Name.
Avenue House. The sign isn’t up yet but my house has a name. I was concerned that some people might find the idea of giving a house a...

Plan for your Website's Success with These 6 Easy Tips
This week I met with a client and we spent about an hour defining and goals for their website. I thought I’d share with you some of the...

Got a Little Knowledge to Share? Prove It with Your Own Infographic..
Having identified a potential source for clientele, I decided that I would make an infographic out of some marketing data I used in my...

7 Easy Steps to Building a Website
When I am introducing myself to clients, I am always asked, "Do you do websites?" The answer is, "Yes, of course," followed by, "Why,...

What Does it Take to Get a Click Around Here?
There is a not-so-new type of journalism that is also great PR going around and it is known by the names of sponsored content, brand...

Are Infographics are the Dick and Jane books of the 21st Century?
In print and on the web, the use of infographics are proliferating as the mediums converge. The rule of thumb for multi-media is to use...
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