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DANiEL WiLLiS, blog

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Does your live stream pass this test?
Everyone is jumping on to the live video bandwagon. From traditional media outlets to Silicon Valley start-ups, live video is attracting...

3 ways to ensure your website fits into Google's new mobility rules.
Mobile friendly sites get top spots in Google Search Rankings. Now Google includes more mobile friendly sites in the organic search...

Video is Good for SEO.
Here is a fun way that PUBLICITA added Video to a client's site. It is a very honest attempt to show how easy it is to do business with...

Marketing's Dirty Little Secret - Revealed
This animated Publicita Blog tells about client relationships and that "over contributing" to the creative process in advertising and...

Why I Gave my House a Name.
Avenue House. The sign isn’t up yet but my house has a name. I was concerned that some people might find the idea of giving a house a...

BIZZLINE: A sign of the Times Part I
See the News Coverage Here Guest Blog By Citizen Barron For a new business start-up, hanging a sign shows you are open for business. And...

Email Marketing. Shotgun or Rifle Approach
Back in 2000 when email marketing was brand new, many took part in a technique known as the "spray and pray". It was kind of like using a...

Here'sHow to Save Time Setting up on Google Blogger
A blog is the heartbeat of your website. As you blog you make those changes to your website that creates an up tick in your Google...

I have 2000 "friends" and I only need 30 of them to like me.
Social capital is a key driver for online marketing success. Is what I write interesting enough for readers to "like" and "share"? To...
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