We focus on a few key platforms: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and your industry specific communities. We keep Socal Media Marketing simple with key strategies designed to develop your style and convert social traffic.
Social media, if you believe the hype has revolutionized the online marketing space. It is true that for some companies, social media is a great way to attract customers. For other companies it is a great way to reinforce brand identity or listen to customer feedback, and yet for others it is a complete waste of time.
Good social media depends on good content production. Does your company produce content that dovetails nicely with the expectation of customers? PUBLICITA can help your company define it’s online presence and help in content production from fiery copy to, podcasts to webinars to full on video production. Best of all, PUBLICITA can help you discover what medium is best for your organization.
"I just want to make sure our company is there when customers look for us"
Of course you need to brand your social media spaces, but if you can’t fill space with fresh, new, original content without breaking the bank, you might not be getting the most out of your social media spend.
On the Internet, where you can find everything you need for social media marketing, except the time to do it,
To your marketing table, PUBLICITA Online Marketing also brings:
· superb story telling;
· peerless visualizations;
· creative audience development;
· tenacious brand building;
· careful project management;
· successful business development;
· technical acumen.
If these skills are not your companies core competencies, please contact PUBLICITA Online Marketing for a no obligation consultation and quote.
Time Sucker?
Is Social Media Marketing a good investment for your business?
Social Media Marketing